A Termux setup with essential tools, configuring zsh, and enhancing Neovim with plugins.


The only limit to our realisation of tomorrow is our doubts of today. ― Franklin D. Roosevelt

Table of Contents


Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment application that works directly with no rooting or setup required. It provides a powerful base for installing and managing packages.


Before we begin, ensure you have Termux installed on your Android device. It can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. However, the recommended way to install Termux is from the F-Droid repository or the Github repository.


First, let’s update the package lists and upgrade any existing packages:

pkg update && pkg upgrade

Next, let’s install the some useful packages:

pkg install curl git python3 dnsutils neovim openssh openssl wget zip unzip nodejs ruby golang grep libxml2-utils zsh figlet htop bat ffmpeg php rust fastfetch perl sqlite

Customising the Shell with zsh

zsh is a powerful shell that can replace the default Termux shell for an enhanced command-line experience. To set up zsh:

  1. Clone the zsh setup repository and run the setup script:

     git clone https://github.com/Sohil876/Termux-zsh.git && cd Termux-zsh
     bash setup.sh
  2. After the script completes, let’s restart Termux to start using zsh.

Configuring Neovim

Neovim is a highly configurable text editor, built for effective coding. To set up Neovim with plugins:

  1. Download the Neovim and Vim Plugins configuration files:

     git clone https://github.com/NvChad/starter ~/.config/nvim && nvim
  2. Open Neovim and run the following after lazy.nvim finishes downloading plugins.:

  3. Delete the .git folder:

     rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/git


With Termux, our Android device can become a powerful, portable development environment. By following this quick setup, we have installed essential tools, customised our shell with zsh, and configured Neovim with useful plugins.
